
Curucmin functionalized cadmium selenide quantum dots

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Curucmin functionalized cadmium selenide quantum dots ( curucmin-functionalized-cadmium-selenide-quantum-dots )

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[VOLUME 6 I ISSUE 2 I APRIL – JUNE 2019] e ISSN 2348 –1269, Print ISSN 2349-5138 http://ijrar.com/ Cosmos Impact Factor 4.236 [17] and silica matrix which are functionalized with the redox molecule, enzymes [18], aptamers [19], etc. Thus functionalization of CdSe QDs and application in electrochemical sensor development is desired. Herein, for the first time we are reporting synthesis of curcumin functionalized cadmium-selenide quantum dots (CR-CdSe QDs). The CR-CdSe QDs nanoparticles are fabricated on the paraffin wax impregnated graphite (PIG) electrode and act as a transducer for electrochemical sensing of ascorbic acid (AA). Both the modifier and modified electrodes were characterized using UV-Visible spectroscopy, Raman 2. Experimental Methodology 2.1. Chemicals and Reagents Graphite electrode was bought from Sigma-Aldrich. Curcumin (Turmeric Yellow) was purchased from SRL, Mumbai. All other general chemicals used in the study were obtained from Merck, India. The buffers and reagents were prepared using double distilled water and purged with N 2 gas before experimenting. 2.2. Apparatus Electrochemical experiments were performed in CH electrochemical instrument, USA, Model-660B conjugated with a conventional three electrode cell setup and Acer desktop computer (windows 7 professional) for data storage. Material morphology of CR-CdSe QDs was characterized using High- resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern were performed using H7650 Microscope Hitachi, Japan. The UV/Vis absorption spectra for CR, CdSe QDs and CR-CdSe QDs were recorded using single beam diode array spectrophotometer, Agilent technologies, USA, Model-8453. Raman spectrum was recorded for CR-CdSe QDs using RAMAN-11 system Nanophoton Corp., Japan. The buffer pH was adjusted using pH meter ELICO, India, Model CM-180. 2.3. Synthesis of Curcumin–Cadmium Selenide Quantum dots (CR – CdSe QDs) Curcumin functionalized CdSe QDs was prepared following the protocol established in the previous report [20]. Briefly, in step 1 sodium selenosulfate (Na2SeSO3) stock solution of was prepared in a 25 ml round bottom flask containing the aqueous solution containing Na2SO3 and Se. During the course of reaction N2 is purged under stirring condition. Under reflex condition, in a 500ml round bottom flask containing 220 ml solution of 25mM curcumin and CdCl2 (The molar ratio of Cd: Na2SeSO3 was 1:5) the solution was heated to 80o C for 20 min. As the pH of solution was adjusted to the pH 11, the color of the solution turns form bright yellow to turbid green. In step 2 reaction, as prepared aqueous solution of Na2SeSO3 was added to the reaction mixture and allowed stirring for 2 hrs under heating at 80o C to obtain a transparent red colored solution. The second course of reaction was carried out in a inert condition. The schematic representation of synthesis of CR-CdSe QDs modified electrode was represented in Scheme 3.2. For a comparison between CdSe QDs and CR-CdSe QDs, similar protocol was repeated for the synthesis of CdSe QDs without addition of curcumin. Scheme 1. Synthesis of CR-CdSe QDs modified electrode Research Paper IJRAR- International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews 309 spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and cyclic voltammetry (CV) techniques. Parameters which may influence the performance of modified electrode and analytical results such as effect of CV potential scan and scan rate studies were optimized. The CR-CdSe QDs modified electrodes were successfully applied in determination of AA using amperometric technique.

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