
Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes

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NOT£ INTRODUCTION Smce the fzrst przntmg of thzs edztwn m March 1979, varzousedztorzal errors have been brought to our attentwn whzch have been corrected m thzs second prmtmg In addztwn, zt has been found necessary to add to thzs przntmg an updated preservatzon and holdmg tzmes table (Table 1), as well as szx new methods They are under-pH, £leetrometrzcs (contmuous monztormg), Method 1502, under Metals, Inductzvely Coupled Plasma, 2007, under MetalslChromzum Hexavalent, Dzssolved, Method 2185, under MetalslSodzum AA, Furnace, ,Method 2732, under Inorganzc, non- metallzcslAczdzty Tztrzmetrzc(aczd ram), Method305 1, and under Organzcs, Organzc Carbon, Total UV Promoted, Persulfate, Oxzdatzon, Method 415 2 These addztwns have been made so as to keep users of the manual current wzth the procedures the Agency uses m determmmg complzance wzth applzcable water and effluent standards zt has establzshed Persons who already possess a copy of the 1979 edztwn of the manual and who wzsh to update zt by mcludmg the czted addztwns need not request another copy The new materzal zs avazlable as a separate volume, entztled, "Technzcal Addzt'wns to Methods for Chemzcal Analyszs of Water and Wastes, £PA-60014-79-020," £PA-60014-82-055, from ORD Publzcatwns, C£RI, us £nvzronmental Protectwn Agency, Cmcmnatz, OH45268 Th1S th1rd ed1tlOn of "Methods for Chem1cal Analys1s of Water and Wastes" contams the chem1cal analytlCal procedures used m U S Env1ronmental ProtectlOn Agency (EPA) laboratones for the exammatlOn of ground and surface waters, domest1c and mdustnal waste eftluents, and treatment process samples Except where noted under "Scope and ApphcatlOn", the methods are-appllcable to both water and wastewaters, and both fresh and sahne water samples The manual prov1des test procedures for the measurement of physlCal, morgamc, and selected orgamc const1tuents and parameters Methods for pestic1des, mdustnal orgamc waste matenals, and sludges are given mother publlcatlOns of the Agency The methods were chosen through the combmed efforts of the EP A Regional Quahty Assurance Coordmators, the staff of the PhyslCal and Chem1cal Methods Branch, Env1ronmental Momtonng and Support Laboratory, and other semor chem1sts m both federal and statelaboratones MethodselectionwasbasedonthefoUowmgcntena (1) The method should measure the des1red property or const1tuent w1th preclSlon, accuracy, and spec1fic1ty suffic1ent to meet the data needs of EP A, m the presence of the mterfenng matenals encountered m water and waste samples (2) The procedure should utihze the eqUlpment and slalls aval1able m modem water pollutlOn controllaboratones (3) The selected method 1S muse m many laboratones or has been suffic1ently tested to estabhsh 1tS vahd1ty (4) The method should be rap1d enough to perm1t routme use for the exammation of a large number of samples Xlll

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