Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes

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Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes ( methods-chemical-analysis-water-and-wastes )

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Instrumental methods have been selected m preference to manual procedures because of the Improved speed, accuracy, and preCISIOn In keepmg wIth thIS polIcy, procedures for the Techmcon AutoAnalyzer have been mcluded for laboratones havmg thIS eqUIpment avaIlable Other contmuous flow automated systems usmg these IdentICal procedures are acceptable Intralaboratory and Interlaboratory preCISIon and accuracy statements are prOVIded where such data are avaIlable These Interlaboratory statements are denved from Interlaboratory studIes conducted by the QUalIty Assurance Branch, EnVIronmental Momtonng and Support Laboratory, the American SOCIety for TestIng Matenals, or the AnalytIcal Reference SerVIce of the US PublIc Health ServIce, DHEW These methods may be used for measurIng both total and dIssolved constItuents of the sample When the dIssolved concentratIOn IS to be determmed, the sample IS filtered through a o45-mIcronmembranefilterandthefiltrateanalyzedbytheprocedurespeCIfied Thesampleshould be filtered as soon as pOSSIble after It IS collected, preferably m the field Where field filtratIOn IS not practIcal, the sample should be filtered as soon as It IS receIved In the laboratory Many water and waste samples are unstable In SItuatIons where the Interval between sample collectIOn and analySIS IS long enough to produce changes m eIther the concentratIon or the phySIcal state ofthe constItuent to be measured, the preservatIOn practIces m Table I are recommended ThIS manual IS a baSIC reference for momtonng water and wastes m complIance WIth the reqUIrements ofthe Federal Water PollutIOn Control Act Amendments of 1972 Although other test procedures may be used, as prOVIded m the Federal RegIster Issue ofOctober 16, 1973 (38FR 28758) and In subsequent amendments, the methods descnbed In thIS manual wIll be used by the EnVIronmental ProtectIOn Agency m determmIng complIance WIth applIcable water and effluent standards establIshed by the Agency Although a SIncere effort has been made to select methods that are applIcable to the WIdest range of sample types, sIgmficant mterferences may be encountered m certam Isolated samples In these SItuatIons, the analyst WIll be provIdmg a valuable servIce to EP A by defimng the nature of the mterference WIth the method and bnngIng thIS InfOrmatIon to the attentIOn of the DIrector, EnVIronmental Momtonng and Support Laboratory, through the appropnate QualIty Assurance CoordInator xu'

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