Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes

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Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes ( methods-chemical-analysis-water-and-wastes )

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7 6 9 AnalytICal balance, capable ofwelghmg to 0 1 mg Procedure 8. CalculatlOn 9 1. PreCISIon and Accuracy 9.1 PreCIsIon and accuracy are not aval1able at thIS tIme BIblIography Standard Methods for the ExammatlOn of Water and Wastewater, 14th EditlOn, p 92, Method 208B, (1975) 71 72 73 74 75 7 6 PreparatIon of glass fiber filter dISC Place the dISC on the membrane filter apparatus or msert mto bottom of a sUltable Gooch cruCIble Whl1e vacuum IS apphed, wash the dISC wIth three succeSSIve 20 ml volumes of dIstIlled water Remove all traces of water by contlnumgtoapplyvacuumafterwaterhaspassedthrough DIscardwashmgs PreparatIon of evaporatmg dIshes If Volatl1e ResIdue IS also to be measured heat the clean dlSh to 550 ±50°C for one hour m a muffle furnace If only FIlterable ResIdue IS to be measured heat the clean dISh to 180 ±2°C for one hour Cool m deSIccator and store untl1needed WeIghImmediatelybeforeuse Assemble the filtenng apparatus and begm suctlOn Shake the sample vIgorously and rapIdly transfer 100 ml to the funnel by means of a 100 ml graduated cyhnder If total filterable reSIdue IS low, a larger volume may be filtered Fl1ter the sample through the glass fiber filter, rmse wIth three 10 ml portions of dIstIlled water and contmue to apply vacuum for about 3 mmutes after filtratIon IS complete to remove as much water as pOSSIble Transfer 100 ml (or a larger volume) of the filtrate to a weIghed evaporatmg dISh and evaporate to dryness on a steam bath Dry the evaporated sample for at least one hour at 180 ±2°C Cool m a deSIccator and weIgh Repeat the drymg cycle untl1 a constant weIght IS obtamed or until weIght loss IS less than 0 5 mg 8 1 Calculate filterable reSIdue as follows Fl1terab1ereSIdue,mg/l= (A- B)X1,000 C where A= weIghtofdnedreSIdue+dIShmmg B= weIghtofdIShmmg C = volume ofsample used m ml 1601-2

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