
Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes

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Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes ( methods-chemical-analysis-water-and-wastes )

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3 The Interference effect must be constant over the working range of concern 4 The signal must be corrected for any additive Interference 11. Calculation 11.1 Reagent blanks (7 5 2) should be subtracted from all samples This IS particularly Important for digested samples requiring large quantities of acids to complete the digestion 11 2 If dilutIOns were performed. the appropnate factor must be applied to sample values 11 3 Data should be rounded to the thousandth place and all results should be reported In mg/L up to three slgOlflcant figures 12. Quality Control (Instrumental) 12.1 Check the Instrument standardization by analyzing appropriate quality control check standards as follow 12.1.1 Analyze an appropnate Instrument check standard (7 6 1) conu'lInlng the elements of Interest at a frequency of 10% ThiS check standard IS used to determine instrument dnft If agreement IS not within ±5% of the expected values or Within the established control limits. whichever IS lower, the analySIS IS out of control The analYSIS should be terminated, the problem corrected. and the Instrument recallbrated Analyze the calibration blank (7 5 1) at a frequency of 10% The result should be Within the established control limits of two standard deVia- tions of the mean value If not. repeat the analySIS two more times and average the three results If the average IS not Within the control limit. termmate the analySIS. correct the problem and recalibrate the Instrument 12 1 2 To venfy anterelement and background correction factors analyze the Interference check sample (7 6 2) 8t the beglnnmg, end, and at penodlc Intervals throughout the sample run Results should fall wlthan the established control limits of 1 5 times the standard deViation of the mean value If not, termmate the analySIS. correct the problem and recallbrate the Instrument 12.1.3 A quality control sample (763) obtained from an outSide source must first be used for the 100tlai venf/catlon of the calibration standards A fresh dilution of thiS sample shall be anlayzed every week thereafter to mOnitor their stability If the results are not Within ±5% of the true value listed for the control sample. prepare a new calibration standard and recallbrate the Instrument If thIS does not correct the problem. prepare a new stock standard and a new calibration standard and repeat the calibratIon PrecIsion and Accuracy 13 1 In an EPA round robrn phase 1 study. seven laboratorres applied the ICP technique to aCId-distIlled water matnces that had been dosed With vanous metal concentrates Table 4 lists the true value. the mean reported value and the mean % relative standard deViation References 1 Wrnge R K V J Peterson and V A Fassel Inductively Coupled Plasma-AtomIc EmiSSIOn Spectroscopy Promrnent Lrnes EPA- 600/4-79-017 2 Wrnefordner J 0 Trace AnalYSIS Spectroscopic Methods for Elements, ChemIcal AnalYSIS Vol 46. pp 41-42 3 Handbook for Analytical Quality Control 10 Water and Wastewater Laboratones, EPA-600/4-79-019 4 Garbarrno. J R and Taylor H E An InductIvely-Coupled Plasma AtomIC EmiSSion Spectrometrrc Method for Routrne Water Quality Testmg Applied Spectroscopy 33, No 3(1979) 5 Methods for Chemical AnalySIS of Water and Wastes EPA-600/4-79- 020 6 Annual Book of ASTM Standards Part 31 7 Carcrnogens - Workrng WIth Carcinogens Department of Health. Education and Welfare PublIc Health SerVIce, Center for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Publication No 77- 206. Aug 1977 8 OSHA Safety and Health Stan- dards General Industry (29 CFR 1910). Occupational Safety and Health Admrnlstratlon OSHA 2206 (ReVised January 1976) 9 Safety m AcademIC Chemistry Laboratones Amencan Chemical So- cIety PublIcation Committee on Chemical Safety 3rd Edition 1979 Meta/s-26 Dec 1982

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