Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes

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ARSENIC, Method 206.4 (Spectrophotometric-SDDC) STORET NO. 01002 Inorganic, Di~_solv~~ 00095 Inorganic, Total 00997 Inorganic, Suspended 00996 1 Scope and ApplIcatlOn l I T h e sliver dlethyldlthlOcarbamate method determllles lllorgamc arsemc when present I I I concentratlOnsatorabove10ug/1 ThemethodlSapplIcabletodnnklllgwaterandmost fresh and sahne waters III the absence of hlgh concentratlOns of chrommm, cobalt, copper, mercury, molybdenum, mckel, and sliver Domestic and llldustnal wastes may also be analyzed after dlgestlon (see 3 3) 12 Dlfficulties may be encountered wlth cerialll llldustnal waste matenals contallllllg volatlie substances Hlgh sulfur content of wastes may exceed removal capaclty of the lead acetate scrubber 2 Summary ofMethod 2 I Arsemc III the sample lS reduced to arSllle, AsH3, III aCld solutlOn III a hydrogen generator The arSllle lS passed through a scrubber to remove sulfide and lS absorbed III a solutlOn of slIver dlethyldlthlOcarbamate dlssolved III pyndllle The red complex thus formed lS measured III a spectrophotometer at 535 nm 3 Comments 31 In analyzlllg dnnklllg water and most surface and ground waters, lllterferences are rarely encountered Industnal waste samples should be splked wlth a known amount of arsemc to establIsh adequate recovery 32 It lS essential that the system be alrtlght dunng evolutlOn ofthe arSllle, to avold losses 33 I f concentratlOn of the sample and/or oXldatlon of any orgamc matter lS reqUlred, refer to Method 2065 [Standard Methods, 14th EdltlOn, Method 404B, p 284, Procedure 4 a (1975)] For sample handlIng and preservatlOn, see part 4 1 of the AtomlC AbsorptlOn Methods sectlon ofthls manual 3 3 1 Slllce mtnc aCld glves a negative lllterference III thlS test, use sulfunc aCld as a preservative lf only lllorgamc arsemc lS belllg measured 34 1-Ephednne III chloroform has been found to be a sUltable solvent for sliver dlethyldlthlOcarbamate lf the analyst finds the odor of pyndllle objectlOnable [Anal Chern 45, 1786 (1973)] 35 For qualIty control reqUlrements and optlOnal recommendatlOns for use III drmkmg water analyses, see part 10 ofthe AtomlC AbsorptlOn Methods sectlOn ofthlS manual Approved for NPDES and SDWA Issued 1971 Editonal reV1Slon 1974 2064-1

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