
Military Jet Engine Acquisition Technology Basics and Cost-Estimating Methodology

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30 Military Jet Engine Acquisition roots. The elimination of this dovetail attachment, in turn, eliminates the problem of crack initiation and subsequent crack propagation at the point where the blades and rotors attach. The lower aspect ratios of modern fan blades (resulting in blades that resemble heavy meat cleavers rather than long carving knives) should provide greater tol- erance to foreign object damage (FOD) and “bird strike.” However, if IBR blades are damaged, their repair may be more difficult because the blades cannot be replaced on the flightline (airports, aircraft car- riers, air bases, and other places of operation). Although “on-wing blending” (filing a fan blade’s damaged leading edge, within tolera- ble limits, without removing the engine from the aircraft) may be an acceptable repair technique for some minor dents, more serious damage will likely result in the engine having to be removed, and en- tire IBRs will need to be replaced or replacement blades welded on. Because the blades on the IBR disk are manufactured quite uni- formly, they all have very similar harmonic frequencies and, there- fore, do not have the benefit of the vibration damping provided by the traditional blades’ dovetail attachment mechanisms. Therefore, IBRs must be very carefully designed and tested to ensure that catas- trophic “tuning fork–like” harmonic vibrations do not occur in the fan or compressor. Alternatives to Engine Lubrication Systems: Air Bearings or Magnetic Bearings The lubrication system on a typical jet engine provides oil to the main bearings that support the engine’s “spools” (a spool consists of a turbine and a compressor or fan, and the shaft that connects the two). These main bearings withstand extremely high forces, espe- cially during tactical maneuvers.2 The engine’s lubrication system also provides oil to the power-takeoff assembly that drives the fuel pump, alternator, and the oil pump itself. ______________ 2Not only does a high–gravitational force maneuver multiply the effective weight of the spool, but pitching or yawing of the aircraft creates enormous gyroscopic forces on the spool, similar to the feeling one would experience when holding a spinning bicycle wheel’s axle and rocking it side to side.

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