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With regard to market policy conditions 63% of par- ticipants believe the business and policy climate for CO2 in Europe to already be “rather” or “very” positive. (Figure 3) QUESTION: “How is the Business and Policy Climate evolving in your country (location of organisation)?” nies are entering the European market, redesigning their CO2 heat pumps to fit the European way of life, climate, housing structures as well as EU and national energy and safety standards. Local CO2 heat pump manufacturers are also emerg- ing, with companies like Stiebel, enEX, ICS, Thermea, Kylma, CTC, JCA, and Viessmann adding CO2 heat pumps to their product ranges. Outside the domestic market, commercial real estate owners are beginning to see CO2 heat pumps as a prom- ising, high performance option for high temperature sanitary hot water for hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools and other public buildings. Evidence of this can be seen in some most recent examples of commercial ap- plications of CO2 heat pumps in Europe: Denmark: A large scale 100% renewable energy project that provides the Danish city of Marstal with a large- scale district heating system incorporates a 1.5 MW thermally CO2 driven heat pump. The project, devel- oped with a grant from the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), includes a solar plant, a combined heat and power (CHP) system, an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Unit and a 75 000 m3 pit for heat stor- age, with the CO2 heat pump moving energy to the en- ergy storage pit. Ireland: Ecocute Innovation and Design Limited (Ecocute Ltd) has installed an air to water transcritical CO2 heat pump (TCHP) water heating system to sup- plement the O’Donovan’s Hotel’s existing solar thermal system. The Hotel’s domestic hot water is now sup- plied by a 25 kW transcritical CO2 heat pump that can operate at a seasonal performance factor of 3.2 when generating hot water at 75°C in Irish ambient condi- tions of 9.4°C air temperature and 10°C water inlet temperature. Also in Ireland, the Cúil Dídin Residential and Nursing Care Facility in Tralee county Kerry has installed a tran- scritical CO2 heat pump to supply hot water for the laundry facilities, kitchens and for the care of the resi- dents. The new CO2 heat pump can produce 2 500 li- tres of hot water per night at 90°C, which is able to meet the hot water demand 24 hours a day. Overall, cost sav- ings of 70-80% are expected. France: A McDonald’s in France installed a CO2 heat pump produced by Panasonic to comply with the en- ergy and emission reduction priorities for new and ex- isting buildings in the French government’s Grenelle 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Ammonia Hydrocarbons 33% Not Moving in Any Direction 45% 46% 34% 37% 14% 18% 4% Highly Negative Rather Negative Rather Positive Highly Positive CO2 41% 40% NR overall 29% 5% 17% 9% 3% 4% 3% 5% 2% Figure 3. Market and Policy Environment of Natural Refrigerants in Europe. Responses of 1338 industry experts. [1] Benefits of CO2 heat pump water heaters (HPWH) HPWHs are a relatively mature technology and have gained popularity over the past decade within the water heating industry because of their ability to deliver sig- nificantly more heat for the same amount of electricity compared to traditional electric storage water heaters (SWH). The CO2 heat pump water heater cycle is transcritical, operating at much higher temperatures and pressures than conventional subcritical cycles. The transcritical cycle operation provides a large continuous temperature glide and can offer a higher service temperature with limited capacity loss. CO2 heat pumps installations in commercial applications in Europe Today most of the CO2 heat pumps are designed for Domestic Water Heating (DWH), with Japanese com- panies like Panasonic, Daikin, DENSO, Sanden, Itomic and Mitsubishi some of the most active promoters of the technology. Whilst the Japanese market can be consid- ered mature, CO2 heat pumps represent a niche market in Europe. However, more and more Japanese compa- 11% REHVA Journal – October 2012 51 Market reportsPDF Image | CO2 heat pumps in europe
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CO2 Organic Rankine Cycle Experimenter Platform The supercritical CO2 phase change system is both a heat pump and organic rankine cycle which can be used for those purposes and as a supercritical extractor for advanced subcritical and supercritical extraction technology. Uses include producing nanoparticles, precious metal CO2 extraction, lithium battery recycling, and other applications... More Info
Heat Pumps CO2 ORC Heat Pump System Platform More Info
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