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Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 30 (2004) 119–174 Fundamental process and system design issues in CO2 vapor compression systems Man-Hoe Kima,*, Jostein Pettersenb, Clark W. Bullardc aDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Science Town, Daejeon 305-701, South Korea bDepartment of Energy and Process Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway cDepartment of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1206 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, USA Received 25 February 2003; accepted 15 September 2003 Abstract This paper presents recent developments and state of the art for transcritical CO2 cycle technology in various refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump applications. The focus will be on fundamental process and system design issues, including discussions of properties and characteristics of CO2, cycle fundamentals, methods of high-side pressure control, thermodynamic losses, cycle modifications, component/system design, safety factors, and promising application areas. The article provides a critical review of literature, and discusses important trends and characteristics in the development of CO2 technology in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pump applications. Advanced cycle design options are also introduced suggesting possible performance improvements of the basic cycle. q 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Keywords: Natural refrigerant; CO2 (R-744); Transcritical cycle; Vapor compression system; COP; Air-conditioning; Heat pump; Compressor; Heat exchanger Contents 1. Introduction................................................................... 120 1.1. Background............................................................... 120 1.2. ThehistoryandreinventionofCO2 ............................................. 122 1.3. Structureofpaper .......................................................... 123 2. PropertiesofCO2............................................................... 123 2.1. Thermodynamicproperties.................................................... 124 2.2. Transportproperties......................................................... 127 3. Transcriticalvaporcompressioncycle................................................ 128 3.1. Fundamentalsoftranscriticalcycle.............................................. 128 3.2. Methodsofhigh-sidepressurecontrol............................................ 129 3.2.1. Systemswithhigh-sidechargecontrol...................................... 129 3.2.2. Systemswithhigh-sidevolumecontrol..................................... 130 3.3. Thermodynamiclosses....................................................... 131 3.4. Transcriticalcyclesinheatpumpsandsystemswithheatrecovery....................... 131 3.4.1. Temperatureglideinheatrejection........................................ 131 3.4.2. HeatingcapacityandCOPcharacteristics ................................... 131 3.5. Approachtemperatureanditsimportance......................................... 132 * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ82-42-869-3089; fax: þ82-42-869-3210. E-mail address: kimmh@asme.org (M.-H. Kim). 0360-1285/$ - see front matter q 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/j.pecs.2003.09.002 www.elsevier.com/locate/pecsPDF Image | CO2 Vapor Compression Systems
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