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BACKGROUND Sponsored by 14 U.S. and Canadian local distribution companies (LDCs), the Gas Heat Pump Roadmap (GHP Roadmap) identifies opportunities, information gaps, impediments and strategies to accelerate the commercialization and market acceptance of gas heat pumps (GHPs) in North America. To create the GHP Roadmap on behalf of the LDCs, GTI compiled a team including Brio, a strategy and project management firm specializing in creating market transformation to accelerate adoption of emerging technologies and practices, and Energy Solution Center (ESC), a nonprofit organization of energy LDCs and equipment manufacturers that promotes energy- efficient natural gas solutions and systems. The project launched in October 2018 with the following sponsor-determined boundary conditions created to guide the team’s exploration: U.S. and Canada market applications Heat pump technologies including vapor compression (e.g. engine driven), absorption, adsorption, and thermal compression Commercially available, or within 3-5 years of commercialization Residential and commercial equipment (less than 400 kBtu/hr input)1 GHP ROADMAP GOALS Gather and share high-level stakeholder input from manufacturers, market partners and LDCs to understand drivers and goals for accelerating GHP technology Develop a technical assessment summary overview of domestic and international GHP products and technologies Deliver a market assessment summary overview of domestic and international GHP market conditions, prospects and barriers 1Residential cutoffs are typically 200 kBtu/hr. input for heating (incl. furnace, boiler, tankless), 5 tons output for cooling, 120-gallon storage, and 75 kBtu/hr. input for water heating (storage) Develop technology and market development priorities by synthesizing the information and data gathered through the technical and market assessments Recommend next steps to support the following near- and long-term gas industry goals: Near-term (less than 5 years): Market viable GHP product(s) for HVAC and/or water heating, in residential and/or commercial applications, available for purchase in North American markets through standard supply chains. Long-term (more than 5 years): Mature and cost- effective portfolio of GHP products for HVAC and/ or water heating, in residential and commercial applications, sold and supported by multiple manufacturers readily available and adopted throughout standard supply chains. Note: The following Industry White paper is intended for use by LDC organizations, technology developers, OEMS and other interested industry parties. It includes a summary of the sponsoring organizations’ approach, key findings and recommendations—all in an effort to accelerate the development and adoption of viable gas heat pump technologies. Presented by: Brio and GTI 2PDF Image | GAS HEAT PUMP TECHNOLOGY AND MARKET ROADMAP
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CO2 Organic Rankine Cycle Experimenter Platform The supercritical CO2 phase change system is both a heat pump and organic rankine cycle which can be used for those purposes and as a supercritical extractor for advanced subcritical and supercritical extraction technology. Uses include producing nanoparticles, precious metal CO2 extraction, lithium battery recycling, and other applications... More Info
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