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Next generation of refrigerants for residential heat pump systems Martina Longhini Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Energy Engineering and Management Supervisors: Prof. Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes Dr. Hatef Madani Larijani Examination Committee: Chairperson: Prof. José Alberto Caiado Falcão de Campos Supervisor: Prof. Luís Filipe Moreira Mendes Member of the Committee: Dr. Ana Sofia Oliveira Henriques Moita September 2015PDF Image | Next generation of refrigerants for residential heat pump systems
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CO2 Organic Rankine Cycle Experimenter Platform The supercritical CO2 phase change system is both a heat pump and organic rankine cycle which can be used for those purposes and as a supercritical extractor for advanced subcritical and supercritical extraction technology. Uses include producing nanoparticles, precious metal CO2 extraction, lithium battery recycling, and other applications... More Info
Heat Pumps CO2 ORC Heat Pump System Platform More Info
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