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TYPICAL INITIAL OUTPUT OF A CO2 HEAT PUMP Paul Maina and Zhongjie Huan mainap@tut.ac.za and huanz@tut.ac.za Department of Mechanical Engineering, Tshwane University of Technology P.O Box Private Bag X680 Pretoria, 0001, South Africa Tel: (+27 12) 382-5350 Mobile: (+27 76) 728-2649 Fax: (+27 12) 382-5602 Keywords: Carbon dioxide, coefficient of performance, Irreversibilities, Refrigerants, Abstract Many of the refrigerants currently being used in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems have high global warming potential. One potential, environmentally friendly replacement refrigerant is carbon dioxide (CO2). In this study, a CO2 trans-critical water to water test bed was used to study the output of a typical heat pump. Initial experimental results and thermo-physical properties were analyzed by NIST REFROP and plotted in a temperature-entropy (T-S). The energy output in the gas cooler were compared to the energy input in the compressor and the efficiency of the system in terms of coefficient of performance (COP) was observed to vary from 3.7 to 3.9. It was observed that there was a wide difference between the theoretical and experimental results when the same state conditions are considered. This was related to change on theoretical processes due to efficiency consideration of the equipment involved and flow process variables like friction which affects the heat transfer process. 1 Introduction 1.1 Refrigerants Refrigerant selection is a key design decision that influences the mechanical design of a heat pump equipment. Factors that must be considered in refrigerant selection include: performance, safety, reliability, environmental acceptability, and cost. Though the primary requirements is safety, reliable and nowadays environmentally friendly (in terms of ozone depletion and global warming potential). Table 1 summarizes the properties of some refrigerants. This table shows that no progress has been made in terms of global warming potential when switching from HCFCs to the HFC family. When securely contained in a properly operating system refrigerants do not impact climate change; however, system leaks and improper recovery of refrigerants during repairs or at end of life result in these harmful gases entering the atmosphere. Furthermore, during production of refrigerants, 316PDF Image | TYPICAL INITIAL OUTPUT OF A CO2 HEAT PUMP
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