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CAVITATION PHASE SEPARATORS FOR STEAM BASED ( cavitation-phase-separators-for-steam-based )

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US 8,382,886B2 34 turbine36viaaconduit44,WhichcarriestheWorking?uidin acirculatingloop.TheWorking?uidischosentohavealoWer boiling point than the geothermal ?uid, Which most com monly has a temperature betWeen 150° C. to 200° C., although some hydrothermal deposits may range from under 100° C. to as high as 350° C. The Working ?uid receives heat energybypassingthroughaheatexchanger50,Whereheatis transferred to the Working ?uid ?oWing in conduit 44. This transfer of heat causes the Working ?uid to vaporize. In the heatexchanger50,thehottergeothermal?uid?oWsthrough internal passages in close proximity to the passages convey ing the cooler Working ?uid to facilitate the transfer of heat into the Working ?uid. The heat exchanger 50 has a source side 52 and a demand side 54, referring respectively to the source of heat to operate the turbine and to the loading or demand forelectricityontheoutputofthegenerator32.The geothermal?uidisobtainedfromdeposits60viaproduction Wells62andpumpedbyapump 64throughaconduit66and the source side 52 of the heat exchanger 50. After giving up someofitsheatintheheatexchanger50,thecooledgeother 20 mal ?uid is returned to the Earth via a conduit 76 and an injection Well 72 into deposits 70 similar to or adjacent to the originaldeposits60. The use of tWo separate ?uids in the poWer plant of FIG. 2 enablesisolationofthe?uidusedtodrivetheturbine36from 25 the ?uid produced from the production Wells 62 and thus givesrisetotheterm“binarycycle”poWerplant.A binary cyclepoWerplantthuspreventstheoftencaustic,corrosive,or abrasivesubstancesthatmay becontainedinthegeothermal ?uidfromdamagingtheinternalcomponentsoftheturbine 30 36. The Working ?uid may be Water, or loW temperature steam, or an organic ?uid material such as isobutane, isopen tane, propane, or other easier-to-condense hydrocarbons. These organic compounds may be used because oftheirrela tivelyloWboilingpoints.Thegeothermal?uidmaybehigh35 temperaturesteam,hotWater,hightemperaturebrine,amix ture of these ?uids, or a mixture containing one or more of these and other elements, minerals, or hydrocarbon com pounds. Whilethesepriorartplantscanprovideelectricityfrom 40 reneWable sources With zero emissions, they are subject to ine?icienciesandvariableoutputsbecauseofthevariability in temperatures of the geothermal Working ?uids. Such sys tems are adequate for steady state electricity loads but are muchlesssuitedtomeetingthedemandsforbothbaseloads 45 and peak loads, and levels of demand intermediate base and peak loading. Accordingly there is a need for electric poWer generation systems that rely on reneWable sources and pro vide electricity output responsive to Wide variations in demanddespitepotentiallyWidevariationsintheenergy50 resourcesfromWhichtheelectricityisderived.Additionally, itispreferredthatthesystemoperateWithzeroemissionsinto Itisfurtheranobjectofthepresentinventiontoprovidefor theatmosphereorintotheearth’sWaterresources.Moreover, itisfurtherpreferredthatthesystembecon?guredtooperate Withimprovedef?ciencyandtominimizetheWasteofheator 55 unused constituents of the Working ?uids obtained from the deep Wells or other resources. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 60 Accordingly,therearedisclosedhereinasystem,apparatus and methods for the generation of electricity from geother mal, Wind poWer, and other reneWable energy resources as supplementedbyhydrogeninjectionandheatbalancingto optimizee?iciency.Inthepresentinvention,hydrogengas 65 playsakeyroleintheheatbalancingtechniques.Further,the system may provide loW poWer recovery ofgeothermal ?uid injecting a combustible gas such as hydrogen into the steam turbine Working ?uid inlet to optimize the energy density of theWorking?uid. It is further an object of the present invention to provide a heat balancing apparatus that minimizes the build up of scale initsinternalpassages,thusprolongingtheintervalbetWeen requiredmaintenance. It is a further object of the present invention to provide an improvedphaseseparationapparatusthate?icientlyremoves gasesfromtheWorking?uidsofabinarycyclepoWerplantto maximize the ef?ciency of the Working ?uid and enable recoveryoftheremovedgasesforreuse. It is a further object of the present invention to provide an apparatusandmethodforinjectingcombustiblegasessuchas hydrogenintotheWorking?uidtoimprovetheenergydensity constituents for reuse, all While operating With minimal or zero atmospheric emissions and ground Water pollution. In the systems, apparatus and methods to be described herein several techniques are disclosed Wherein operating e?iciencies can be improved dramatically. One such method is to regulate the density of the Working ?uid input to the turbines,thusprovidingaconvenientandeffectivemethodof regulatingthegeneratoroutputWithrespecttotheloadingof the generator. Another is to regulate and provide a constant, optimum temperature of the Working ?uid input to the tur bines, through the use of novel heat balancers. Another is to provideforremovinggasesfromtheWorking?uidsthrough theuseofnovelcavitationseparators.Yetanotheristorecycle the Working ?uids to fully utilize the heat energy contained Within them or retumiie, injectithe geothermal ?uids to be disposed into the Earth’s strata. Further, apparatus and methods are disclosed for recovering unused constituents for reuse or resale, and for reuse or re-balancing spent Working ?uidstoextractuseableenergytherefrom.A typicalsystem mayalsoincludeapollutionpreventiontraptoensureagainst releaseofsubstancescontrarytoregulations. The present invention addresses the many variables men tioned above by exploiting a combination of reneWable geo thermal, Wind poWer, and solar poWer sources. Technology andresourcesareusedinneWWaystoproduceelectricityat loW cost, With zero or near zero emissions. The system bal ancesvariationsinherentlypresentingeothermal,Wind,and solarsourcesofenergy.The systemcane?icientlyrespondto variationsindemandandtemporalandclimaticconditions.A furtherbene?tistheloWcost,loWpoWerrecoveryofunused but valuable constituents present in the geothermal ?uids used as a source of heat energy. These constituents may be reused, stored, sold, or injected back into the earth. The sys tem operates closed loop, that is, its apparatus and processes arecloselyregulatedandthesystemgivesuplittleorno energy or emissions to its surroundings. Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention to provideanelectricgeneratingsystemthatoperatesonreneW able energy sources to obtain a very small carbon footprint, to operateWithveryloWemissions,andtoprovidesubstantially improvedef?ciency. It is a further object of the present invention to provide a more e?icient heat balancing apparatus to improve the trans fer of heat energy and increase the energy content of the Working?uidsinabinarycyclepoWerplant. It is further an object of the present invention to provide a heat balancer that combines an improved heat exchanger and a gas-injection manifold to maximize heat transfer from a source ?uid to a demand (Working) ?uid and to enhance the heatenergycontentofthesource?uidenteringtheheat balancer.


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