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CAVITATION PHASE SEPARATORS FOR STEAM BASED ( cavitation-phase-separators-for-steam-based )

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US 8,382,886B2 9 10 alsobeinjectedintothesource?uidinletofaheatbalancerto augment and regulate the heat content of the source ?uid. Further, a relatively small amount of the hydrogen may also beusedtoregulatethedensityoftheWorking?uidfedtothe turbineinlets.TheinjectionofhydrogengasintotheWorking ?uid inlet to the turbines enables regulationiie, optimiZa tioniof the density of the Working ?uid to provide the most e?icient operation of the turbine generator in response to variationsindemand.Thatis,thetorqueoutputoftheturbines can be closely controlled, by regulating the density of the driving ?uid input to the turbine, to thereby regulate the electricityoutputofthegenerator. The hydrogen may be provided by electrolysis in an elec trolyZer or electrolysis plant poWered by the Wind poWer generators and stored for use by the hydrogen-fueled boilers that are used to produce the steam fed to the heat balancers, WhichprovidetheoptimumtemperatureWorking?uidtothe turbines. Thus, a Zero emission, reneWable source of energy is stored and utiliZed in these tWo methods of increasing the 20 e?iciency ofthe steam driven turbine generators. The system is operated by a control system under software control that responds to inputs from transducers located throughout the system that sense temperatures, pressures, load variations, etc.toregulatetheoperationoftheheatbalancingandhydro 25 geninjectionapparatusplacedintheWorking?uidinletpaths to the steam driven turbines. TheapparatusforinjectinghothydrogengasintotheWork ing?uidithehydrogeninjectionunitiispreferablyacylin dricaltubehavingatleasttWomanifoldsattachedtodiametri 30 callyoppositesidesofthecylinderanddisposedalongtheful length of the cylinder. As Will be explained, the hydrogen injectionapparatusmay,forexample,beusedintWodifferent locationsorapplicationsinthesystemofthepresentinven 35 tion. In one application, the cylinder may be placed on the inlet side of a heat balancer. In another application, the cyl inder conveys the regulated Working ?uid from the heat bal ancer to the inlet of the turbine. In each application, both manifoldscontainalargenumberofmicro-capillarytubesor 40 passages that are distributed over the surface of the cylinder Withintheboundariesofthemanifold.Thesemicro-capillary tubespermittheentryofthehothydrogengasunderpressure intotheinteriorofthecylindertomixWiththeWorking?uid, thusreducingitsdensityaccordingtopresetparametersunder45 thecontrolofthecontrolsystem. The control ofthe amount ofhot hydrogen admitted to the injectionunitmay beprovidedbyrareearthmagnetostrictive (REM)valves.REM valvesoperatesimilarlytopieZoelectric devices,butrespondtomagnetic?eldvariationsusedas50 control signals instead of electric ?eld variations. As in the heatbalancertobedescribed,thesurfacesoftheinjectionunit are preferably coated With a boron nitride or carbon nitride ceramiccoating.The samebasicinjectionunitdesignmay be usedelseWhereinthesystem,suchasattheoutputofthe cavitation separator (to be described) for the injection of selectedgasestoprovideanoperationalenhancement.When usedtocontrolthehydrogeninjection,theREM valvesthem selves may be cooled using thermoelectric coolers as also described beloW for the cavitation separator. Hydrogeninjectionmaybeusedforyetanotherpurposein thepresentinvention:toadjustthepH oftheWorking?uid. This has several bene?ts: (a) to facilitate cleaning because of themoreneutralpH oftheWorking?uids;and(b)toenable precipitationofcertainmineralsfromtheWorking?uidsdur 65 ingelectrolysis.Suchmetalsandmineralbearingelementsas copper,silver,uraniumandotherradioactivematerials,chro mium, vanadium, cobalt, phosphorus, sulfur, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and chlorine (toname a feW) may thus be recovered for other uses. The ReneWable Energy PoWer Plant ThereneWableenergypoWerplantaccordingtothepresent invention Will be described With the aid of FIGS. 3, 4, and 5. These ?gures are composed to demonstrate basic principles ofthe inventions and hoW they may be utiliZed. FIG. 3 illus tratesasimpli?edreneWablepoWerplantsystem.FIGS.4and 5 illustrate certain aspects of the system directed to several exemplaryembodiments.TheboldfacecapitallettersA andB that appear in FIGS. 3, 4, and 5 serve as reference points in common asWillbedescribed.PersonsskilledintheartWill recogniZethatmany variationsorcombinationsarepossible by consideration of the alternatives shoWn in FIGS. 3, 4, and 5 When revieWed together. In the next feW paragraphs, some general descriptive comments Will be presented as an aid to understanding this relatively complex system, before the structural details are described. A simpli?eddraWingofareneWableenergypoWerplant system (REPPS) according to the present invention is shoWn inFIG. 3.FIG. 3 illustratesone embodiment ofabasic system to demonstrate hoW various elements or components may be used together to enhance ef?ciency and optimally balance availablereneWableenergyresourcestoproduceelectricity thatmatchesthedemandforelectricityatanyparticulartime. As Will be recogniZed by persons skilled in the electric gen eratingsystemarts,many combinationsofthesecomponents arepossible,includingcombinationsthatrequireoneofmore ofthestructuresshoWninFIG.3inmultipleplacesinthe system. HoWever, the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 3 includes the structural features needed to demonstrate the principlesofthepresentinvention,WhichutiliZesreneWable energy sources inanovel Way thatmay be appliedinavariety ofWaysWithoutdepartingfromthescopeoftheinvention. In general, the system illustrated utiliZes geothermal energy and Wind energy sources. Both sources are considered to be reneWable, and are not subject in practical terms to depletion. Each reneWable source isprocessed separately in respectivebranches.Therespectiveoutputsfromageother mal (?rst) branch and a Wind energy (second) branch are mergedinaheatbalancingapparatusandprocesstoprovide hot, dry steam optimiZed to drive a steam turbine electric generator at maximum ef?ciency. Although FIG. 3 appears complex,itmaybereadilyunderstoodbyrecogniZingthat there are three basic circuits in the system. The ?rst basic circuit in FIG. 3, called the “primary source side,” processes the geothermal ?uid pumped from the hot rock strata deep in the Earth’s mantle. This circuit is located intheloWercenterandrightcornerofthedraWingandcor responds to the ?rst (geothermal) branch. The second basic circuit, called the “demand side,” contains the circuits and apparatusforprocessingtheWorking?uid.TheWorking?uid receivesitsinitialheatenergyfromthegeothermal?uid.The heatenergycontentoftheWorking?uidisfurtherboostedin theheatbalancerstosuitablelevelsfordrivingtheturbinesat maximum ef?ciency.The demand sideislocatedintheupper halfofthedraWingandmay bethoughtofascorrespondingto theoutputsectionofthepoWerplant.Thethirdbasiccircuit, called the “secondary source side” in this description, is located along the left side of the draWing. The secondary sourcesidecontainsthecircuitsandapparatusforproducing andprocessinghydrogengasthatWillbeusedinthesystemto enhance its e?iciency. The secondary source side receives energyoriginatingfromWindpoWergenerationandthuscor responds to the second (Wind energy) branch mentioned hereinabove. 55 60


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