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ELECTROHYDRAULIC AND SHEAR CAVITATION RADIAL COUNTERFLOW LIQUIDPROCESSOR ( electrohydraulic-and-shear-cavitation-radial-counterflow-liq )

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US 8,268,136B2 12 ELECTROHYDRAULIC AND SHEAR CAVITATION RADIAL COUNTERFLOW LIQUID PROCESSOR APPLICATION HISTORY This is a continuation in part of application Ser. No. 12/004,308 entitled “Rotary Annular Cross?oW Filter, Degasser, and Sludge Thickener” ?led Dec. 20, 2007 now US. Pat.No.7,757,866byWilmotH.McCutchen.Itisalso a continuation in part of application Ser. No. 12/167,771 entitled “Radial Counter?oW Shear Electrolysis” ?led Jul. 3, 2008 by Wilmot H. McCutchen and David J.McCutchen. The applicants claim the bene?t of provisional application 61/034,242entitled“DualDiskDynamo Reactor”?ledMar. 6,2008 by Wilmot H. McCutchen and David J.McCutchen. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION FieldoftheInvention 20 (N2O),andnitrogen(N2).Inaddition,theremaybeVOCs, includingcyanidespecies,Whichmustbeextractedbefore discharge to the environment or recycling. The volume of municipalWasteWaterstreams(typicallyhundredsofmillion oflitersperday)presentsadauntingchallenge,andexcludes complicated loW-?oW devices and methods that depend on adding and mixing in chemicals to react With the dissolved gases. Biological methods, such as using microorganisms to convert ammonia to nitrogen gas, require very large invest ment and a large footprint, and they only Work on one gas. WasteWater reclamation cannot be feasible unless the gas strippingproblemcanbesolvedbyaninexpensiveandhigh throughputmechanicaldegassingdevice.Meetingthatneed is an object of the present invention. Ammonia indischargesofWasteWaterhasbeenlinkedto decline of ?sh populations, but tertiary treatment to remove ammoniaisprohibitivelyexpensive.Sacramento,Calif.,esti mates itWill cost $1 billion to upgrade their WasteWater treat ment, Which discharges 146 million gallons per day, to remove the ammonia that iskilling the ?sh in the Sacramento RiverDelta.Ammonia isacyanideprecursor,andastrong Residual dissolved chlorine from conventional disinfec tionmaycombineWithorganicmatterintheenvironmentto producecarcinogenicdisinfectionbyproducts(DBPs).DBPs havebeenimplicatedinrectalcancer,bladdercancer,miscar riage,birthdefects,andfetalgroWthrestriction.A needexists tomove aWayfromtheuseofchlorineasadisinfectantandto extractresidualchlorinefromef?uent,andthepresentinven tionaddressesthatneed. Methane is of recent concern for WasteWater treatment plants because itis a potent greenhouse gas, 23 times more potentthancarbondioxide,andbecauseitscaptureandcom bustioninpoWergeneratorsincreasestheenergyef?ciencyof the plant. Another reason to extract methane from WasteWater is that methane combines With ammonia in WasteWater to formhydrocyanicacid(alsoknoWnasprussicacid,theactive ingredientintheNaZideathcamp poisongasZyklonB). Commercialcyanidesynthesis(forexample,theBMApro cess)bycombiningmethaneandammoniaisWellknoWn. CyanideistheanionCNi. Hydrogencyanide(HCN)isa poison. The boiling point of hydrogen cyanide is 260 C., Which makes ithighly volatile, such that itcan be separated fromWaterbyloWpressure,WhichcausesHCNtobecomea gas.HCN hasadensityof0.687g/cm3,Whichismuchless densethanWater,andthereforeHCN canbeseparatedfrom Water by density as Well as by volatility. Other cyanide com pounds are: cyanogen (NCCN), Which becomes hydrogen cyanide(HCN)inWater,andhasaboilingpointof—20.7°C.; cyanogenchloride(13.8°C.);andacetonecyanohydrin(82° C.).NotethatalofthesehaveloWerboilingpointsthanWater (100°C.),i.e.theyarevolatileorganiccompounds.Allcya nide species are considered to be acute hazardous materials andhavethereforebeendesignatedasP-Classhazardous Wastes. The remediation target for cyanide in WasteWater is one microgram per liter (one part per billion), Which is unat tainable With presently knoWn treatment technologies, even ultra?ltration, Which at best can get to ten parts per billion. Other noxious volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in municipal and industrial WasteWater are benZene, toluene, andxylene;collectively,thesearereferredtoasBTX. Like cyanide,BTX aremuchmorevolatilethanWater,haveloWer viscosity,andhaveloWerdensity(approximately0.87g/cm3 comparedtoWaterWhichis1g/cm3).VOCsareverypotent greenhousegasesandshouldbecapturedratherthanvented to the atmosphere. The present invention relates to reactors for physical dis infection,suspendedmetalsextraction,scaleandsaltcrystal odorant. liZing, and degassing of volatile compounds and dissolved noncondensibles.ItalsorelatestoatomiZers,toliquidpro cessing devices comprising means for pulsed electric ?elds, andto?eldWaterpuri?cationWithoutchemicalsormem branes. Degassing Theextractionofdissolvedgasesandvolatilecompounds from Water is called degassing or stripping. Degassing is importantforhighenergycavitationbecausenoncondensible gases in cavitation bubbles acts as a cushion, absorbing energy in compression and thereby impeding a rapid and energeticimplosiontoproduceshockWavesandmicrojets. An objectofthepresentinventionistoprovideupstream degassing means for cavitation processes, including electro hydraulic cavitation and shear cavitation. 25 30 35 Pulsedelectric?eldsassistindegassingbycausingstream erstopropagateintheWater,formingcavitationbubbles 40 Whereindissolvedgasesevolve.An objectofthepresent invention is to provide means for enhancing cavitation pro cesses and degassing by improved means for pulsed electric ?elds,comprisingshearingelectrodes. Degassingisalsoanimportanttreatmentstepinpollution45 abatement, and another object of the present invention is to provide non-chemical and easily scalable means for degas sing large ?oWs of process Water or WasteWater. Degassing includes stripping of volatile compounds and nonconden sibles,andalsoincludescrackingofvolatilecompoundsand noncondensibles. The object of degassing is to remove or change the gaseous constituents of a How. ProcessWatermay containvolatilecompounds, orodor ants, such as ammonia, acetone, methylethylketone (MEK), andvolatileorganiccompounds(VOCs).Theodorantsmust55 either be stripped out or cracked before further use of the Water or its discharge to the environment. Preferably, the degassed Water should also be cooled before further use. Therefore, atomiZation, Which provides increased surface area for evaporative cooling and for residual dissolved gas 60 evolution, is desirable in process Water treatment, and an object of the present invention is to provide dynamic shear atomiZing means for process Water and WasteWater. Municipal WasteWater may comprise dissolved noncon densiblegases,includinghydrogensul?de(H2S,commonly65 knoWn asseWergas),dissolvedresidualchlorine(C12)from chlorination, ammonia (NH3), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide 50


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