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PROCESS AND SYSTEM FOR CREATING ENHANCED CAVITATION ( process-and-system-for-creating-enhanced-cavitation )

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7 the particles to agglomerate or aggregate Within the treated regionoftheformation.ThetreatedregionisnoW lesssus ceptibletocollapseifaportionoftheformationisremoved aroundthatproductiontubingorequipment. The formation consolidation chemical compositions include a chemical binder such as a resin or a polymer liquid resin.Thebinderisgenerallypumpedthroughperforationin theproductiontubingorcasingorlinerintoporespacesinthe formation.Thebinderthenundergoesanin-situsolidi?cation process,Whichmay beaidedbyuseofacatalystorhardening agent.Thechemicalbindercoatstheformationparticles(e.g., sand grains). The formation isthen subjected to an over?ush to improve formation permeability. As the binder hardens, With or Without a hardening agent, the Weakly consolidated, semi consolidated or unconsolidated formation is converted intoaconsolidatedformation,Wheretheparticleshavebeen converted into a permeable synthetic sandstone. Formation consolidationisdesignedtostrengthentheformationaround the Well bore so that drag forces of ?oWing production ?uids atadesiredproductionratedonotdislodgeformationpar ticles such as sand grains, reducing sand or particulate co production. The chemical binders (I) should not precipitate until enough time has elapsed to alloW proper placement in the Wellbore,(2)shouldbeonlyafractionofthetotalvolumeso that the sand Will remain permeable, (3) should adhere stronglytothesandgrains,(4)shouldhaveashorthardening orWaitingtimeafterplacement,and(5)shouldbeinsensitive tominorvariationsinchemicalpurityormixingprocedures in all types of sand. ChemistryofResins The resins generally used as chemical binders are solid, 20 25 30 Thisgeltimeitselfisrelatedtothecross-linkingreactionrate k,WhichisdependentontemperatureT asshoWninEquation (2). it; k = (Ae) RT As aresult,theviscositydependencyontimeandtemperature near the gel point is critical. During the cross-linking reac tion,theremay alsobeaslightincreaseindensity(shrinkage). ResinCuring/Solidi?cation Solidi?cation or cure rate is a property that effects Which curableconsolidationcompositioncanbeusedinagiven application. Cure rate of a consolidation composition dependsprimarilyontemperatureandcatalyst.Catalystused in such composition are typically metal salts and acids or mixtures thereof. The catalyst catalyZe the curing process (speeditup)andcanprovideadditionalmechanicalstrength ofthecross-linkednetWork.ThecatalystsaregenerallyLeWis acids.Exemplarycatalystsinclude,Withoutlimitation,AlCl3, Al(SO4)3, NiCl2, ZrOCl2, NH4Cl, Cr(CH3COO)3 and o-Phosphoric acid or similar catalysts or mixture or combi nations thereof. By controlling the type, amount and release of catalyst, the on set of curing and ultimate time to gel point can be controlled. Formation characteristic play a roll in the selection of appropriate consolidation composition and appropriate catalyst so that the cure rate is suf?cient sloW to permitformationpenetrationtoadesiredextentbeforethegel pointofthecompositionisreached.Thelifeofconsolidation isgovernedbytheresinsystemusedandtoasecondaryextent by catalysts and other inorganic salts With mono-, di- and tri-valent cations at various concentrations, Which impart addedstrengthtothecuredmaterial. SuitableReagents ConglomerationComposition The aggregation, agglomeration or conglomeration com positions suitable for use in this invention include, Without limitation,anycompositionthatiscapableofchangingthe aggregation propensity or potential and/or Zeta potential of the particles of a Weakly consolidated, semi consolidated or unconsolidated formation imparting to the formation a su?i cientstrengthtoreducecollapseorcaveinduringproduction atavelocitysu?icienttoformacavitiesoracavitysurround ing a Well bore in a Zone of a producible formation. Exem plaryexamplesofsuchcompositionsinclude,Withoutlimi tation,thecompositionsdisclosedinUs. Pat.Nos.7,392,847 and 7,350,579 (Which are incorporated by reference due to theoperationofthelastparagraphbeforetheclaims),con solidation composition described beloW introduced at rela tively loW concentrations and With relatively loW cross-link ingagentssothatthematrixisnon-uniformandincomplete, hard to soft, organic, non-crystalline products that have broader or narroWer molecular Weight distributions. The res insnormallyhaveameltingorsofteningrangeandarebrittle in their solid state. Chemical resins are generally raW mate rials,forexampleforbinders,curablemoldingcomposition adhesivesandcoatings.ResinsaretypicallydividedintotWo categories: 1) thermosetting resins and 2) thermoplastic res ins.Theconsolidationchemicalsforuseinthisinventioncan 40 be either of these or combinations of one or more thermoset tingand/orthermoplasticresins. Process ofCuring The chemical binders, such as resins, are transformed from calconsolidationcompositionmustbepumpedintothefor 60 mationorZonebeforefullcuringoccurs,becauseafterthegel time, no ?uid can be squeeZed into formation. Insuchconsolidationcompositions,theviscositytypically remainsfairlyconstantuntilthegeltime.Nearthegelpoint, theviscosityasymptoticallyincreasestoin?nityascharac 65 teriZed by the gel time and a universal constant as set forth in Equation(1). sityorpotentialand/orZetapotentialofformationparticles Without converting the particles into a matrix having su?i cientstrengthtoresistcavitationviaproducingtheformation atvelocities above a Well critical draW doWn pressure. Amine and Phosphate Reaction Products Suitableaminesinclude,Withoutlimitation,anyaminethat iscapableofreactingWithasuitablephosphateestertoform a composition that forms a deformable coating on a metal US 8,011,431 B2 35 aliquidformintoa3DsolidnetWorkthroughacross-linking45 or curing. During the cross-linking process, small monomers or oligomer molecules are linked together into clusters via chemical bonds, Which can be hydrogen bonding, electro static interactions, ionic bonding, and/or covalent bonding. Theseclustersaggregatetoformlargerclustersuntilanet Work is formed that spans the reacting mass. During cluster build-up, viscosity increase can be modeled by an extension of Stoke’s laW of viscosity. As viscosity increase due to the increased cluster siZe, cluster movement become restricted. Attheso-calledgelpoint,thecross-linkedorcurednetWork spanstheentirereactingmass andlarge-scalemovement isno longer possible. The time or point at Which this occurs is calledthegeltime.Atthispoint,theviscosityofthe?uidrises veryrapidlyasymptoticallyapproachingin?nity.Thechemi oranyothercompositionthatchangetheaggregationpropen 50 55


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