
Seasonal Solar Thermal Energy Sand-Bed Storage in Alaska

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Energies 2017, 10, 1873 7 of 12 EEnneerrggieiess22001177, ,1100, ,11887733 77ooff1122 of 91.4 m (300 ft) cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) tubing was installed in two loops in the sand-bed A A t t o o t t a a l l o o f f 9 9 1 1 . 4. 4 m m ( ( 3 3 0 0 0 0 f f t t ) ) c c r r o o s s s s ‐ ‐ l l i i n n k k e e d d p p o o l l y y e e t t h h y y l l e e n n e e ( ( P P E E X X ) ) t t u u b b i i n n g g w w a a s s i i n n s s t t a a l l l l e e d d i i n n t t w w o o l l o o o o p p s s i i n n t t h h e e tubing as shown in Figure 7. ssaand‐‐beedttubiingaasssshoowniinFiigurree77.. FFiigguurree77..Crroosss‐‐lilninkkeeddppoolylyeetthhyylelennee((PPEEX))hheeaattlolooppininssttaallalattioionnininpprrooggrreesss.. Figure 7. Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) heat loop installation in progress. 33..IInssttrrumeenttaattiionaandDaattaaCollleeccttiion 3. Instrumentation and Data Collection Teempeerraatturree aand fflloow rraattee daattaa weerree ccoollleecctteed ffrroom 2288 JJaanuaarry ttoo 77 Maay 22001177.. SSiixx Caalleefffii Temperature and flow rate data were collected from 28 January to 7 May 2017. Six Caleffi resistive rreessiissttiiveetteempeerraatturreedeetteeccttoorrss((RTDss))((FKP66ptt110000RTDss,,CaalleefffiiNoorrtthAmeerriiccaaIIncc.,.,Miillwaaukeee,, temperature detectors (RTDs) (FKP6 pt1000 RTDs, Caleffi North America Inc., Milwaukee, WI, USA), WII,,USSA,,weerreeeembeeddeediinttheessaand‐‐beedaasssshoowniinFiigurree88..ACaalleefffiiDL33daattaallooggeerrwaassusseed were embedded in the sand-bed as shown in Figure 8. A Caleffi DL3 data logger was used to capture ttooccaaptturreettheetteempeerraatturreedaattaaffrroomttheeRTDssiinttheessaand‐‐beediinlleettaandoouttlleett..Theessaameedaattaallooggeerr the temperature data from the RTDs in the sand-bed inlet and outlet. The same data logger was used waassusseedttooccaaptturreefflloowrraatteedaattaatthaattwaassmeeaassurreedussiingaaCaalleefffiiV4400rroottaarrypullsseefflloowmeetteerr.. to capture flow rate data that was measured using a Caleffi V40 rotary pulse flow meter. The pump Theepumpwheenaaccttiivaatteedbyttheeccoonttrroollleerraaveerraageed33.0.066L//miinfflloowrraattee,,whiicchccoonveerrttssttoo118866.6.6 when activated by the controller averaged 3.06 L/min flowrate, which converts to 186.6 kg/h of the kg//hooffttheegllyccoollmiixxtturreetthrrooughttheessaand‐‐beed..Ussiingaarreeffrraaccttoomeetteerrttheegllyccooll‐‐waatteerrmiixxtturreewaass glycol mixture through the sand-bed. Using a refractometer the glycol-water mixture was found to be ffooundttoobee4433%gllyccoollbyvoollumee.. 43% glycol by volume. FFiigguurree88..Reessisisttiviveetteemppeerraattuurreeddeetteeccttoorrss((RTD))loloccaattioionnssininssaanndd‐‐bbeedd.. Figure 8. Resistive temperature detectors (RTD) locations in sand-bed. IIn aaddiittiioon ttoo RTDss,, ttypee K ttheerrmooccoouplleess ((sseelleecctteed ffoorr ttheeiirr wiidee tteempeerraatturree rraangee In addition to RTDs, type K thermocouples (selected for their wide temperature range application) aapplliiccaattiioon)) weerree usseed ffoorr tthiiss rreesseeaarrcch ((paarrtt numbeerr EXPP‐‐K‐‐2244‐‐11000,, Omeegaa Engiineeerriing,, IIncc.,., were used for this research (part number EXPP-K-24-100, Omega Engineering, Inc., Bridgeport, NJ, Brriidgeepoorrtt,,NJJ,,USSA)),,wiitthaanaa◦cccurraaccyooff±±22.2.2°°Coorr00.7.755%..Theesseettheerrmooccoouplleessweerreeeembeeddeediin USA), with an accuracy of ±2.2 C or 0.75%. These thermocouples were embedded in two places into ttwoopllaacceessiinttoottheessaand‐‐beedaandaanaaddiittiioonaallffoourrttheerrmooccoouplleessweerreeeembeeddeediinttoottheessurrffaaccee ooff tthee gaarraagee ffllooorr,, sshoown iin Fiigurree 99,, ttoo mooniittoorr tthee tteempeerraatturree prrooffiillee ooff tthee ssaand‐‐beed.. TheerrmooccoouplleetteempeerraatturreessweerreerreeccoorrdeedussiingLaassccaarrEL‐‐USSB‐‐TCdaattaallooggeerrss((LaassccaarrElleeccttrrooniiccss

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