Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes

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Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes ( methods-chemical-analysis-water-and-wastes )

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Glassware used In odor testIng should be reserved for that purpose only Rubber, cork, and plastIc stoppers must not be used 52 Constant temperature bath A water bath or electnc hotplate capable of maIntaInIng a temperature control of ±1°Cfor performIng the odor test at 60°C The temperature bath must not contnbute any odor to the odor flasks 53 Odor flasks Glass stoppered 500 ml (1'/32) Erlenmeyer flasks, or WIde-mouthed 500 ml Erlenmeyer flasks eqUIpped wIth Petn dIshes a.s cover plates NOTE: Narrow-mouth vessels are not sUItable for runmng odor tests PotentIal posItIve bIas due to color and/or turbIdIty of water sample under observatIon can be elImInated by wrappIng odor flasks In alumInum foIl, paIntIng flasks wIth non-odorous paInt, or by usmg red actInIC Erlenmeyer flasks 54 Sample bottles Glass bottles wIth glass or Teflon-lIned closures 5.5 PIpets, measunng 100 and 1 0 m1 graduated In tenths 5.6 Graduated cylmders 250,200, 100, 50, and 25 ml 57 Thermometer 0-110°C (± 1°C), chemIcal or metal stem dIal type 5.8 Odor-free water generator See FIgure 1 6. Reagents 61 Odor-free water Odor-free dIlutIOn water must be prepared as needed by filtratIon through a bed of actIvated carbon Most tap waters are SUItable for preparatIon of odor- free waters, except that It IS necessary to check the filtered water for chlonne reSIdual, unusual salt concentratIons, or unusually hIgh or low pH All these may affect some odorous samples Where supplIes are adequate, dIstilled water aVOIds these problems as a source of odor- free water A convement odor-free water generator may be made as shown In FIgure 1 Pass tap or dIstIlled water through the odor-free water generator at a rate of 0 1 lIter/mInute When the generator IS first started, It should be flushed to remove carbon fines before the odor-free water IS used 6 liThe qualIty of water obtaIned from the odor-free water generator should be checked daIly at the temperature tests are to be conducted (room temperature and/or 60°C) The lIfe of the carbon WIll vary WIth the condItIon and amount of water filtered Subtle odors of bIOlogIcal ongIn are often found If mOIst carbon filters are permItted to stand Idle between test penods DetectIon of odor In the water comIng through the carbon IndIcates a change ofcarbon IS needed 7 Procedure 7 1 PrecautIon SelectIOn of persons to make odor tests should be carefully made Extreme senSItIVIty IS not reqUIred, but InSenSItIve persons should not be used A good observer has a smcere Interest In the test Extraneous odor stImulI such as those caused by smokmg and eatIng pnor to the test or through the use of scented soaps, perfumes, and shavmg lotIons must be aVOIded The tester should be free from colds or allergtes that affect odor-response Frequent rests In an odor-free atmosphere are recommended The room m whIch the tests are to be conducted should be free from dIstractIOns, drafts, and other odor In certaIn mdustnal atmospheres, a speCIal odor-free room may be reqUIred, ventIlated by aIr filtered through actIvated carbon and maIntamed at a constant 1401-2

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