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HPWH Performance Report 1. Executive Summary This report presents the field test performance results of Sanden’s CO2 split system heat pump water heater (HPWH) and Rheem’s integrated HPWH. Energy 350 installed seven Sanden units and five Rheem units across three British Columbia locations including Kelowna, Rossland, and Vancouver Island. This report includes over a year of data for ten of the twelve sites. Figure 1 shows the results and geographic locations of the test sites. Figure 1: Map of Water Heater Sites Sanden’s split system includes an indoor tank and an outdoor heat pump. By locating the heat pump outdoors, one can avoid the interactive heating penalty typically associated with heat pump water heaters. Most of the integrated Rheem units installed were ducted, which also eliminates the interactive space heating penalty typically associated with heat pump water heaters. 1.1 Cold Climate Operation The two units use different strategies to operate in cold weather. With CO2 as the refrigerant, the Sanden heat pump can operate even in very cold temperatures. The Rheem units rely on an electric resistance heating element for continued operation when ducted outside air is too cold for the heat pump cycle. Even in cold climates, the home heating penalty can be avoided with both units while maintaining a high average annual coefficient of performance (aCOP) and minimal impact on hot water delivery. Table 1 summarizes the field test results. Table 1: Field Test Results # of Units Tested Manufacture r Heat Pump Water Heater Technology Storage Tank Sizes Tested (L) Rated Northe rn Climate UEF Fie ld Tested aCOP Incre me ntal Installe d Cost (CAD) Ene rgy Savings (kWh) % Ene rgy Savings 7 Sanden CO2 "Split" System 160 and 315 2.9/3.3 2.69 $6,776 1,923 67% 5 Rheem Integrated Unit 246 and 303 3.4 1.79 $2,346 2,180 51% 1PDF Image | CO2 Integrated Heat Pump Water Heater
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CO2 Organic Rankine Cycle Experimenter Platform The supercritical CO2 phase change system is both a heat pump and organic rankine cycle which can be used for those purposes and as a supercritical extractor for advanced subcritical and supercritical extraction technology. Uses include producing nanoparticles, precious metal CO2 extraction, lithium battery recycling, and other applications... More Info
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