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HEAT PUMP RETROFIT STRATEGIES FOR MULTIFAMILY BUILDINGS ( heat-pump-retrofit-strategies-for-multifamily-buildings )

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1 New York City Mayor’s Office of Sustainability. New York City’s Roadmap to 80 x 50. (2016). https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/sustainability/downloads/pdf/publications/New%20York%20City's%20Roadmap%20to%2080 %20x%2050_Final.pdf 2 Farhamand, F. Palo Alto Electrification Final Report. (2016). TRC Energy Services. Page 3: “To mitigate the emissions associated with utility-provided natural gas, the city [Palo Alto] is interested in the code feasibility and cost effectiveness of electrifying buildings.” https://www.cityofpaloalto.org/civicax/filebank/documents/55069 3 Hopkins, Takahashi, Glick, Whited. “Decarbonization of Heating Energy Use in California Buildings”. October 2018. Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. Page 1: “...California will need to turn its attention to an overlooked corner of the emissions picture: the fossil fuels widely used to heat the buildings where Californians live and work.” http://www.synapse-energy.com/sites/default/files/Decarbonization-Heating-CA-Buildings-17-092-1.pdf 4 Blanford, G. “Electrification and Decarbonization”. Presentation at Energy and Climate Seminar, May 2017. Washington, DC. http://eea.epri.com/pdf/epri-energy-and-climate-change-research- seminar/2017/07c%20Electrification%20and%20Decarbonization%20Geoffrey%20Blanford.pdf 5 Supra note 1 at page 62: “Based on the analysis, between 50 and 60 percent of these [existing] buildings must pursue strategies that include a transition to efficient electric technologies for heating systems, tapping into a significantly cleaner future grid.” 6 Mosenthal, Phil & Socks, Matt. (2015). Potential for Energy Savings in Affordable Multifamily Housing. Energy Efficiency for All. http://www.energyefficiencyforall.org/sites/default/files/EEFA%20Potential%20Study.pdf 7 Regional Energy Efficiency Organizations (REEO). Multifamily Energy Efficiency Retrofits: Barriers and Opportunities for Deep Energy Savings. (December 2016). Page 6 briefly describes nine “significant hurdles to achieving these levels of energy savings in the multifamily building stock.” https://neep.org/sites/default/files/resources/REEO_MF_Report.pdf 8 One HVAC professional in the Chicago area confuses a brand for the technology in general (emphasis added): “Mitsubishi makes these incredible units called Hyper Heat. It’s basically a typical condenser unit that’s located outside and can deliver heat or deliver cool; it’s not like a heat pump, which won’t work in this area. These actually provide 100 percent efficiency up to -5 degrees.” https://cooperator.com/article/heating-options-for-multifamily-communities/full The Mitsubishi Hyper Heating hardware is, in fact, a heat pump system: https://www.mitsubishicomfort.com/benefits/hyper- heating 9 For guidance, see 2017 Renewable Energy Tax Credits. https://www.energystar.gov/about/federal_tax_credits/2017_renewable_energy_tax_credits 10 Glossary, U.S. Energy Information Agency. https://www.eia.gov/tools/glossary/index.php?id=G 11 Id. 12 Hopkins, Takahashi, Glick, Whited. “Decarbonization of Heating Energy Use in California Buildings”. October 2018. Synapse Energy Economics, Inc. Pages 10-11. http://www.synapse-energy.com/sites/default/files/Decarbonization- Heating-CA-Buildings-17-092-1.pdf 13 For this discussion, heat pumps are described as delivering heating, but the same concepts apply if the equipment is in cooling mode. 14 See this product from Mitsubishi as an example: Mitsubishi R410 HVRF R2 15 R134a has a 100-year GWP of 1,300. International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Page 732. https://ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment-report/ar5/wg1/WG1AR5_Chapter08_FINAL.pdf 16 R410a has a 100-year GWP of 2,088. 17 Stationary Refrigeration Leak Repair Requirements. Accessed 2018-11-09. https://www.epa.gov/section608/stationary- refrigeration-leak-repair-requirements 18 40 CFR Part 82, Subpart F. §82.152, definition of Appliance: “For any system with multiple circuits, each independent circuit is considered a separate appliance. Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR). https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi- bin/retrieveECFR?gp=&SID=1a3e7a7905504ef2565b08bb0c7f29c7&mc=true&r=SUBPART&n=sp40.21.82.f 19 The uncertainty in EPA requirements is summarized in this page summarizing the potential rescission of HFC regulation (accessed 2019-01-17): https://www.epa.gov/section608/revised-section-608-refrigerant-management-regulations 20 United Nations Treaty Collection, Chapter XXVII – 2.f (2016). https://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=XXVII-2-f&chapter=27&clang=_en 21 “Big Business Wants to Stop Trump from Leaving this Other Climate Deal”. Time.com. Accessed 2018-11-09. http://time.com/5264800/donald-trump-kigali-amendment-hfcs/ Steven Winter Associates,Inc. 51


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