IT250 Waste Heat to Power System ORC
IT250 System Plans
Infinity offers both the ROT turbine plans and the IT250 system plans as a separate package.We recommend the ROT24 for the IT250.Design Heat Exchangers ASME Rated Pressure - Evaporator R-245fa: 450 psi at 300 F shell side, and 150 psi 300 F on tube side. Welding procedures included. Condenser R-245fa: 450 psi at 250 F shell side, and 150 psi 250F on tube side. IT250 Revenue based on gross sales or savings, not including cost of acquiring waste heat flow or pumps.Revenue from IT250 (24 hours x 365 days per year x 250 kWh = 2,190,000 kWh per year):at $.20 per kWh = $438,000 USD per yearat $.40 per kWh = $876,000 USD per yearat $.80 per kWh = $1,752,000 USD per year
IT System Flowchart
The IT250 was designed in relation to the PureCycle system.
UTC Patent Chiller Conversion
Grid Tie Device
Our induction AC generators require a grid tie device, which can be found on the link below from Sieb Meyer in Germany.
Grid Tie Device
TEL: 1-608-238-6001 Email: Large Discounts: February Turbine Plans Special
1 kW Turbine Generator Plans Package $399 ROT 06 Turbine Build Package: includes cad/cam files, parts list, and more. Includes unlimited build license. More Info
10 kW ORC Waste Heat to Energy System and Turbine Plans and License Discounted to $5,000 IT10 Build Package System and Turbine Generator: includes cad/cam files, parts list, and more. Includes build license. February 2025 special price $5,000 normally $10,000 ... More Info
250 kW ORC Waste Heat to Energy System and Turbine Plans and License $20,000 IT250 System Build Package with Inflow Radial Turbine: includes ORC System and Turbine cad/cam files, parts list, and more... More Info
1 MW (1000 kW) ORC Turbine Plans and License $299,000 1 MW Turbine Build Package: includes cad/cam files, parts list, and more... More Info
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