
Consulting Available from Infinity Turbine LLC

TEL: 1-608-238-6001 Email: greg@infinityturbine.com Large Discounts: February Turbine Plans Special

1 kW Turbine Generator Plans Package $399 ROT 06 Turbine Build Package: includes cad/cam files, parts list, and more. Includes unlimited build license. More Info

10 kW ORC Waste Heat to Energy System and Turbine Plans and License Discounted to $5,000 IT10 Build Package System and Turbine Generator: includes cad/cam files, parts list, and more. Includes build license. February 2025 special price $5,000 normally $10,000 ... More Info

250 kW ORC Waste Heat to Energy System and Turbine Plans and License $20,000 IT250 System Build Package with Inflow Radial Turbine: includes ORC System and Turbine cad/cam files, parts list, and more... More Info

1 MW (1000 kW) ORC Turbine Plans and License $299,000 1 MW Turbine Build Package: includes cad/cam files, parts list, and more... More Info


Need Strategy? Use our Consulting and analyst services

Infinity Turbine LLC is pleased to announce its consulting and analyst services. We present data in logical, easy to understand format with links for additional research or verification of data.

Energy: Since 1985, I have worked in the renewable energy industry as a researcher, developing sales and markets, along with may inventions and innovations. A wide breadth of subjects and project development includes some of the following subjects.

All time is documented and a summary log will be provided when requested.

Consulting is provided via telephone, email, or other media as agreed to in writing (email).

Our consulting services are available on a best efforts basis and are delivered with our utmost dedication. We strive to provide the best possible service and ensure that all time spent is meticulously documented. Upon request, we can furnish a summary log of our activities.

We offer project assessment, engineering studies, turbine design, battery design, supercritical CO2 process strategies, and more.

We've worked on steam engines to supercritical CO2 turbines, to tribo-effect no-moving-part energy generation systems.



Infinity Turbine LLC is pleased to announce its consulting and analyst services. We have worked in the renewable energy industry as a researcher, developing sales and markets, along with may inventions and innovations.

Sold as-is and provided on a best efforts basis. All time is documented and a summary log will be provided when requested.



Wood Energy:

From 1985 until 2008: Doing business as Global Energy, developed and sold wood energy (biomass) systems. First with selling Waterwide Gasifiers from New Zealand in 1986, and then branching off into developing and selling my own systems, including steam turbines and steam engines.

Container Kiln (Lumber and Firewood drying): In the mid 1990s, developed and marketed a shipping container lumber/firewood dry kiln system (Container Kiln), which is modular and portable.

NonConventional Fuel Tax Credit: Adapted Section 29 credits for sawmills and wood processors that use wood fired boilers. Biomass is not burned, but oxidized and the gas is burned. Saved customers millions of tax dollars.

Capstone Turbine: Bought and sold Capstone microturbine systems. Experimented with vegetable oil and other combustible liquids in the diesel (liquid fueled) versions.

Global Energy Website


Section 29 Non-Conventional Fuel Credit:

Also in the 1990's developed and assisted groups wanting to get tax credits for landfill gas, as well as wood gas under the Section 29 (non-conventional fuel) tax credit.

As a wood energy specialist, I pointed out that wood doesn't burn, but it's actually the gas released from the wood. Many companies saved (or got refunded) millions of tax dollars.


Capstone Turbine Secondary Market:

In 2001 started consulting and selling the Capstone Microturbine (micro distributed grid power generator) and currently buy and sell these turbines into the secondary market.

Global MicroTurbine Buying and Selling Capstone Turbine


Gas to Liquids (alcohol fuels) with Ocean Ethanol LLC

In 2004 formed Ocean Ethanol LLC with an investor (John Stevens in Kona, Hawaii) to develop my invention of converting CO2 into fuel grade ethanol, methanol, and butanol.

With a short development window, we proved we could make alcohol fuel cheaper than existing fuel prices, but investor pulled out within 6 months, since he did not see an immediate return (even though it was projected to take at least 12 months to market).

We were able to produce methanol and butanol from reversing a fuel cell (i.e. input was liquid CO2, water, and electricity, and output was alcohol).

Catalysts were developed at PNL (Pacific Northwest Labs).

Research was also done simultaneously in Italy, and a lab was able to show we could produce butanol and methanol from liquid CO2 by reversing a fuel cell.

As a result I was issued two patents for my Modular Fluid Handling Device I and II in my name, and I have sole ownership of patents.

It was this initial research and development into liquid CO2, that gives us the advantage in the CO2 extraction field.

Modular Block Patents

Ocean Fuels CO2 to Fuels (pdf


Waste Heat to Energy:

In 2008 I started Infinity Turbine LLC to discover, promote, develop, and build waste heat to power (renewable energy) systems. For a number of years, owned and operated a machine shop in Ferndale, Washington (near Bellingham, Washington) with a large Omax waterjet, laser engraver/cutter, Haas vertical milling machine, lathe, welders, shop tools and lots of custom test equipment.

We experimented with most forms of prime movers, including the Tesla Disc Turbine, Sterling Engine, Axial Turbine, Scroll Compressors, Scroll Expanders/Compressors, and finally settled on the Radial Outflow Turbine. We employed the services of Henry Technologies in Canada to build the heat exchangers for our Organic Rankine Cycle systems, and then paired with our turbine generator builds.

The predominant challenges were pressure seals, rotational speed, and moving parts. Basically, if you have more than one moving part, the system will fail. With the interest in CO2 as the working fluid (to reduce equipment footprint by increasing efficiency and pressure to produce rotational mechanical energy), we starting experimenting with liquid CO2 and phase change. Ultimately, the Holy Grail of power production is to reduce the number of moving parts and seals to a minimum.

We build over 100 CO2 closed loop botanical extractors, and have lots of experience with Carbon Dioxide.


Solid State Turbine Using Tribo Effect and Electrostatic Precipitation

In our CO2 experiments, we studied the Colorado Springs notes from Nikola Tesla. I found some interesting characteristics of CO2 as it undergoes phase changes, including a tremendous production of static (DC) electricity. To that end, we started to develop a Solid State Turbine using Tribo Effect.

I found that by using a hybrid polymer material, we could generate static electricity simply by pressure reduction of CO2 gas. Similar electrostatic effects were seen all the way back to the origins of steam power (coined the Armstrong Effect). The electrodynamic gas two phase system not only pertains to water-steam relations but any gaseous liquid two phase components. It can also cause explosions when using CO2 fire extinguishers, as seen in a silo explosion in Norway in 2010 and in multiple accidents when the static discharge seeded an explosion, as presented in this article.

Using phase change to our advantage may be able to be the next Holy Grail of energy production. Why ? No moving parts. Plus CO2 goes supercritical at 89F or 30C, which allows utilization of low grade heat (as in the cloud server farms or even solar thermal parking lots).

A Solid State Turbine scales up and down easily, and could even be used by Elon Musk for his Solar City or on Tesla cars to power the thermal management system by simply putting up black colored tubes on the roof to capture solar thermal energy.

A new wave of HVAC strategy could combine low temperature solar thermal, along with ground geothermal for cooling (Organic Rankine Cycle needs both heat and cold sink). The ultimate Solid State Turbine deployment would be with a cavitation CO2 pump, for the least amount of moving parts (one). This is the system which will power us into the next few decades.

Electrostatic Effects


Plasma Wing:

Some of the research for Corona Discharge also led to studying plasma generated by a static field. This may be applied to aircraft wings for wing deicing (mitigation) and even some interesting methods of increase lift, which may impact applications for silent drone propellers. You will notice static mitigation on wings by the use of static whips (on the tailing edge of most aircraft wings).


Supercritical CO2 and Water Botanical Extraction Systems:

Starting in 2015, I started Infinity Supercritical, which uses the CO2 phase change process to extract oil from plants. It turns out that the same ORC system, can be used for plant oil extraction.

It was in the past five years with this process development that we perfected CO2 phase change, and actually discovered the corona discharge for ourselves (shop workers were getting shocked while venting CO2).

The CO2 phase change systems can also be used to sterilize PPE, and recycling precious metals from lithum ion batteries (LIB), and some have even proposed it is more valuable than Gold Mining.


Hydrodynamic Cavitation Processing Systems:

Concurrent with the Modular Blocks and Extraction Systems, I developed a Spinning Disc Reactor for process intensification. Termed the Sonic Extractor, this device uses spinning discs to hydrodynamically cavitate water. It turns out that you can also cavitation CO2 (quite easily) which allows us to use a spinning disc to phase change CO2 from a liquid to gas, and act as a pump. This methodology is perfect for Silver Nanoparticle production, and other continuous push-button manufacturing.


Induction Magnetics and MagnetoCaloric Cooling:

In my quest for better and faster processing of botanicals, I have also developed a induction (touchless) mixing system based on a micro version of the Bitter Plate Magnet. This fun little project allows DIY at-home making and formulation of cosmetics and skin creams.


Counter-Rotating Compressor and Turbine with One Moving Part:

Years ago I designed and 3-D printed (in metal) a one part assembly which acted as both a turbine, and a turbo-pump. This counter-rotating design takes the best of what 3-D printing has to offer, while simultaneously mitigating the inherencies of modern turbine design (seal, temperature, and moving part issues).

While this design was primarily for energy production in the ORC process, it could easily be ported to a turbofan design for drones. Imagine a drone, which was sucked up, instead of the traditional method of thrust-down.

Along with thrust-down also comes lots of noise. In this case using a Counter-Rotating Turbine, a vortex would suck up the drone, and all noise would be projected into the sky. An added benefit (other than low noise) would be a very low heat signature, since compressed and expelled exhaust are mixed together.


Phase Change Battery:

Using CO2 (which is a energy dense working fluid) leveraging the phase change would essentially make pressure the electrolyte. This battery concept can accept multiple charging inputs including heat, electricity, and friction to store energy.


CO2 Gas Turbine:

With a cavitating disc compressor, CO2 (instead of air) would make a very interesting high altitude gas turbine, which leverages the cold temperatures of high altitude for condensing, while making a closed-loop, energy efficient power unit, which could power electric turbofans for commercial aircraft.


Gas Leverage Turbine:

Extending CO2 Gas Turbine concept, a industrial version could be used in harmony with CO2 and its sonichemistry reactions to make industrial goods, such as gas-to-liquids, chemicals, and other industrial raw goods.

FileMaker PDF Algorithm Research and Development:

Infinity has been using Filemaker since 1993, and is now diving into the analyst world of deciphering data. First project is GME (Gamestock). The algorithm is based on finding stocks that are being sold short, in combination with hedge fund or other fund shorts. These lists are publicly available in Europe, but a bit harder to find in the USA. The goal is to identify good candidates which may go up in price, as a result of social media (Redditt) and industrial grade short sellers. We plan on establishing a website to promote such research at a future site called stockprepper.com


Global Container Kiln for Drying using Shipping Containers

In the early 1990's I developed the container kiln system, which uses standard shipping containers converted into conventional lumber dry kilns for the portable sawmill market, and DIY network.

The container kiln can be used for dimensional lumber, poles, timber, blocks, pallets, firewood, hemp, and heat treating wood.

Container Kiln

CONTACT TEL: 608-238-6001 Email: greg@infinityturbine.com | AMP | PDF