
Database Solutions Using Filemaker by Infinity Turbine

TEL: 1-608-238-6001 Email: greg@infinityturbine.com Large Discounts: February Turbine Plans Special

1 kW Turbine Generator Plans Package $399 ROT 06 Turbine Build Package: includes cad/cam files, parts list, and more. Includes unlimited build license. More Info

10 kW ORC Waste Heat to Energy System and Turbine Plans and License Discounted to $5,000 IT10 Build Package System and Turbine Generator: includes cad/cam files, parts list, and more. Includes build license. February 2025 special price $5,000 normally $10,000 ... More Info

250 kW ORC Waste Heat to Energy System and Turbine Plans and License $20,000 IT250 System Build Package with Inflow Radial Turbine: includes ORC System and Turbine cad/cam files, parts list, and more... More Info

1 MW (1000 kW) ORC Turbine Plans and License $299,000 1 MW Turbine Build Package: includes cad/cam files, parts list, and more... More Info


Filemaker Software

January 2024: Coming soon. Our AI Filemaker software that does the work of 5 people...

Need to get organized ? We are now making available our software apps to travel bloggers. Based on Filemaker platform (Mac, Windows, and Mac IOS Filemaker Go), we have developed some industry specific apps that will increase your efficiency, reduce time, and give you valuable heads-up time.

Need an App Developed ? We are database experts, and have developed software solutions for desktop computers, and IOS devices using the FileMaker platform.

For Developers:

Filemaker Database Platform: Filemaker Website

Filemaker Mobile Platform: iPhone, iPad, IOS Website

Filemaker Plug-in: Extend Filemaker Capabilities with Monkey Bread Software Plug-insSoftware for iPhone, Mac OS X, Linux and Windows with Xojo, C/C++/Objective-C, AppleScript, Java, Perl, PHP and HTML. Monkeybread Software uses Xojo for software development. Along with a few free and shareware titles, we offer custom software development and plug-ins for FileMaker, Xojo, Real Studio and REALbasic.

FileMaker Go: Mobile Solutions for IOS

Extend FileMaker Capabilities with MonkeyBread Software Plug-in for FileMaker

FileMaker Database Software To Get Organized

Accounting Solution

Accounting Solution


With this solution (which requires Filemaker on your desktop or Filemaker Go on iOS), you can perform virtually all company accounting, including writing a letter, making an invoice, and keeping tract of expenses. This is a free version. Print and Export are available on a paid version. This accounting solution is one that I have developed over the past 20 years.

FileMaker Business Call and Daily Log

FileMaker Business Call and Daily Log

FileMaker Example

Business forms.

FileMaker download which requires FileMaker to run.

Business Forms (FileMaker Download .fmp12)

FileMaker Inventor Drawing Template to Log Inventions with Date and Signature

FileMaker Inventor Drawing Template to Log Inventions with Date and Signature

FileMaker Example

Inventor Drawing Template for printing out.

FileMaker download which requires FileMaker to run.

Inventor Template (FileMaker Download .fmp12)

FileMaker Nikola Tesla Patents from USPTO

FileMaker Nikola Tesla Patents from USPTO

FileMaker Example

Nikola Tesla Patents.

FileMaker download which requires FileMaker to run.

Nikola Tesla Patents (FileMaker Download .fmp12)

FileMaker Brayton Cycle CO2 Calculator

FileMaker Brayton Cycle CO2 Calculator

FileMaker Example

SuperCritical CO2 Brayton Cycle Calculator.

FileMaker download which requires FileMaker to run.

Please email for pricing.

FileMaker Heat Rate Calculator

FileMaker Heat Rate Calculator

FileMaker Example

Heat Rate Calculator.

FileMaker download which requires FileMaker to run.

Heat Rate Calculator (FileMaker download)

QR Code Generator for Filemaker or Filemaker Go

QR Code Generator for Filemaker or Filemaker Go

QR Code Generator

Use this handy QR Code generator based in FileMaker for desktop.

The file is unlocked, so you are free to use the layout, code, etc.

A javascript is in the WebViewer which runs the JS to run the generator. Super simple and fast. It does not work with FileMaker GO (iPhone (IOS), until they provide that functionality in future versions.

QR Code Generator (FileMaker download)

Solar Panel Cost and Performance Filemaker Solution Calculator

Solar Panel Cost and Performance Filemaker Solution Calculator

Solar Panel Cost and Performance Calculator

The Solar Panel Analyzer was developed by Global Energy for Electric Ship to analyze solar panel purchasing, specifically focussing on the folloing criteria:

1. Dimensions

2. Performance

3. Cost Per Watt

4. Cost Per Square Inch

5. Surface Area

6. Volts - Amps - Watts

7. Volume

8. Watts Per Pound

9. Listing Information - Warranty - Discount Pricing

Solar Panel Cost and Performance Analyzer (FileMaker download)


Search Engine Spider Link Back App: Designed to provide link backs and highly visible search engine spider accessibility which allows your website to get better page ranking, or InstaGram viewers, etc. (8 year beta testing). We use this app with most of our websites and it generates huge amounts of views and great Google page ranking. Any example of our newest ventures are with SwissMixIT. The publications page has pdfs which are rendered with links and populated with data that link back to the site.

Receipt Management Strategy

Receipt Management Strategy

Receipt Management Strategy

Note: This is part of the accounting solution we provide to business members. The solution which runs on FileMaker allows you to perform simple accounting (easily log income, expenses, and receipts).

One of the biggest hassles of running a one-person small business is managing receipts and accounting. We have developed a simple FileMaker database to help out. We have been using this for the past 20 years, and its evolved into a elegant but simple solution.

Digital Office: Using this solution allows you to scan in any paper document, store it in pdf format, and then you are all set for any records the IRS may request (example: audit).

If you need paper receipts, simply print out the .pdf copy.

The basic strategy to eliminate all paper receipts and documents:

1. Request .pdf invoices or documents from suppliers whenever possible.

2. If you receive any paper receipts or documents, then scan them into a pdf document.

3. For small receipts, combine a page worth of receipts and lay them on the flat bed of your scanner. Scan to a page .pdf, or copy to one page, then use your auto-feeder to scan multiple pages of receipts at one time.

4. You can then label the scanned page(s) with a descriptive label (one is generated automatically from the program if you use it). For example of a utility bill: 20210515-utility-300.pdf

Be sure to use standard file naming formats (no special characters as part of the name) or just copy and past the name automatically generated when you create a new receipt record in the program.

5. Simply drag and drop the pdf into the receipt field of the database and it is stored automatically in FileMaker. You can easily export the .pdf if you need them in the future.

Receipt Management Strategy (pdf)

Wordpress sucks so I built my own Web Page Engine

Wordpress sucks so I built my own Web Page Engine

Wordpress Sucks and that is why I developed my own Web Page Engine

This website, including a sitemap, breadcrumbs, and structured data is the result of making a better solution using Filemaker.

It allows any amount of website domains. It allows you to duplicate blocks of entries to quickly upload information.

It is designed to integrate perfectly into the Google Algorithm and search engine spider for fantastic page ranking and viewing (including a mobile viewing version called AMP and a pdf version for download).

Images are stored in the database. Pdf's are also stored.

One click of a button will export all your html files ready for upload to your hosting server (all updated for great page ranking).

Wordpress: Lousy user interface. Horrible image management (sometimes images are not correctly rotated). You need to pay for may features. Awful to update. Of course, you need plug-ins to make it work. It's clunky.

Why is Filemaker a great solution? It's a database. The essence of FileMaker is to storage and manage data, and replicate success, while eliminating having to do things over and over.

The images and pdfs are contained within the app, so I don't have to worry about managing separate folders of each. Keep your images web friendly at around 300kb and pdf documents the same. If you need huge files, then store them remotely (separately) and link to them for speed. For movies, use YouTube as your storage medium and link or embed them.

The basic premise of the Web Engine strategy is to have a web page, which is comprised of blocks of information (similar in nature to WordPress, but delivered much better). Gone or endless options on text type and size and confusion in WordPress. Each page is part of a group of pages for your website. Blocks comprise the content of that page, also part of a database. Each block has options for text only, image only, text and image, or raw data (in case you want to utilize code which already exists in HTML format). Using any of those options gives you complete control of appearance and delivery.

Filemaker Software for productivity and database applications

FileMaker TagzGen for InstaGram Captions

FileMaker TagzGen for InstaGram Captions

Filemaker Example Downloads

(free public versions – do not re-distribute – copyrighted Global Energy LLC)

TagzGen for Instagram Posting Captions (Feb 2019 release).

FileMaker download which requires FileMaker Go and iPhone or iPad (IOS).

TagzGen InstaGram Filemaker Go Solution

CONTACT TEL: 608-238-6001 Email: greg@infinityturbine.com | AMP | PDF